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What are the benefits of taking Glutathione?

The benefits of Glutathione, commonly known as the body’s master antioxidant, are far and wide. It's present in nearly all of your cells, and for good reason. There are over 139,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles on Glutathione and it’s increasing in popularity as we speak. 

One of the things that makes Glutathione so unique is that it is one of the only antioxidants that is made in the liver. It’s essential in the detoxification process and is touted for helping with hangover recovery. Most of the Glutathione in your body is situated in the liver, so it makes sense!

Glutathione levels can be reduced, however, due to a number of factors, many which are out of our control. These include poor diet, toxins, medications, radiation, physical and mental stress and ageing. 

The benefits of taking Glutathione

Glutathione combats oxidative stress

Glutathione is a key antioxidant, staving off the effects of oxidative stress (caused by a buildup of free radicals in the body). Oxidative stress is one of the many causes of diseases like diabetes, arthritis and cancer. 

Glutathione also recycles other essential antioxidants that your body needs, like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and CoQ10. 

Glutathione supports energy levels 

Glutathione plays a protective role in the cells, ensuring the mitochondria - which is the powerhouse of the cell, working to produce energy - isn’t damaged by oxidative stress. For this reason, low glutathione levels are known to cause low energy levels. 

Glutathione is essential for detoxification

Glutathione is especially concentrated in your liver and this is where it helps out with detoxification. It does this by binding to toxins and unwanted substances and eliminating them from your body. 

When Glutathione levels are low, the body struggles to detoxify properly. 

Glutathione works against inflammation

Toxins, diet, stress, infections, and other lifestyle factors can all cause an imbalance in the body, resulting in chronic, systemic inflammation. When this happens, you need extra protection. Studies have shown Glutathione to reduce inflammation levels by regulating the immune cells.

N-acetylcysteine, a medication used for respiratory conditions like asthma and cystic fibrosis, also happens to be a byproduct of Glutathione. As well as helping to reduce mucus, it also reduces overall inflammation in the body. 

Glutathione supports skin health

Sun, wind, and toxins can cause damage to your skin over time, resulting in dryness, wrinkles and age spots. Glutathione plays a key role in helping cells heal and regenerate themselves. This can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve elasticity and work against skin conditions like acne

Glutathione aids brain health

Ageing causes neurons in the brain to break down. One of the many benefits of Glutathione, thanks to its antioxidant action, is that it can help slow down this degeneration process.

Glutathione supports the immune system

Glutathione supports the strength of your immune system! Studies show that it primes your white blood cells, the cells that fight off bacteria and viruses when they first enter the body.

Glutathione promotes exercise performance

Some studies have shown Glutathione can improve athletic performance, reduce fatigue, and lower blood lactic acid levels. This is important as increased lactic acid in the body can result in fatigue, low blood pressure, muscle aches, a drop in body temperature, and respiratory problems.


1. The Antioxidant Role of Glutathione and N-Acetyl-Cysteine Supplements and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress

2. Glutathione pathways in the brain

3. Glutathione Fine-Tunes the Innate Immune Response toward Antiviral Pathways in a Macrophage Cell Line Independently of Its Antioxidant Properties

4. Regulation of Lipid Peroxidation by Glutathione and Lipoic Acid: Involvement of Liver Microsomal Vitamin E Free Radical Reductase

5. Glutathione Primes T Cell Metabolism for Inflammation




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